Simple CRM Solution
For Your Business

By hamessing the power of customer relationship management tools, you
stramline operation,enhance customer experience,drive growth.

Our Features

Customer Service Management

Case Management

E-Services Management

Contract & Account Management

Admin & Operations Management

Reporting & Dashboards

Customer Interaction and Feedback

Design and implement a personalized customer interaction platform with customizable feedback forms.

Develop a sophisticated Incident Reporting system with custom fields and analytics capabilities for in-depth incident analysis.

Notification and Communication

Develop a robust custom communication system allowing the client to define and manage various notification templates and communication channels.

Provide customization options for Customer, Operator, and Contract-related communications to align with specific communication strategies.

Additional Waste Collection/Services

Design a custom module for handling additional waste collection and services, offering configurable options to accommodate various service types and pricing structures

SLA Implementation

Implement a custom SLA management system, allowing the client to define, modify, and manage SLAs dynamically.

Level Up Your Bussiness With URVA

Collect more leads,and convert them to clients with URVA Powerful
CRM for business and sales,and marketing automation